What is Bokashi Fermentation?

Bokashi Basics

Bokashi fermentation is a revolutionary way to recycle your organic waste. As opposed to composting, bokashi fermentation is anaerobic, which means that air or oxygen is effectively excluded from the breakdown process. Instead, bokashi uses the microorganisms that are present in the soil, and the enzymes that they produce, to turn organic waste into productive soil metabolites.

The effectiveness of bokashi fermentation comes from tapping into the natural ecosystems thriving within each cubic foot of soil. In this way, the results of the breakdown process are natural by-products, chock full of beneficial plant hormones and cytokines, which feed the development of healthier, stronger plants.

All of the smells that arise from composting are a result of oxygen being involved, so eliminating it from the process keeps foul smells and gases from coalescing. The organisms that produce these nasty by-products are consumed by the anaerobic organisms driving the bokashi fermentation process, giving you the benefits of healthy new soil, without the negatives of composting.


Bokashi Benefits

Bokashi fermentation’s wide-ranging effectiveness covers whatever level of farming or gardening you’re practicing, from a small backyard garden, to industrial scale agricultural operations. These benefits range from economic to environmental, covering everything in between, as listed below.

  • Regardless of what scale you’re working on, bokashi fermentation is simpler, less costly, and faster than all other organic waste disposal processes, and can be used throughout the year, without sacrificing effectiveness.
  • The anaerobic process eliminates greenhouse gases, by sequestering all of the carbon produced by the process in the soil. From there, it is slowly utilized by microbes, fungi, and plants. Plants grown with bokashi by-products are healthy, more vibrant, and more resilient.
  • Bokashi fermentation doesn’t produce heat and it eliminates the smells that attract the vermin and other nuisances of composting
  • Using bokashi fermentation helps to reduce the amount of organic waste that is vastly accumulating in our landfills, by recycling it into useful nutrients for further growing.

Thanks to the above effectiveness, bokashi fermentation also reduces our agricultural industry’s reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In this way, the process works to rehabilitate damaged soil, helping to establish thriving microecoystems ripe with productive microbes, as nature intended.


Bokashi Applications

The bokashi fermentation process can be applied across many waste recycling and agricultural processes, with equal effectiveness and efficiency. Beyond backyard gardening, bokashi fermentation offers a solution for the following problems:

  • Pet Waste: Using present disposal methods, pathogens from pet waste often leach into groundwater, which presents a public health issue. Bokashi fermenting pet waste removes this issue, and turns pet waste into productive plant nutrients.
  • Manure Disposal: Manure is a costly, time-consuming issue for many farmers, which requires lots of effort for little benefit. Bokashi fermenting manure turns this effort drain into an opportunity for reinvesting our selling recycled waste.
  • Marijuana Waste: Waste disposal is a massive problem in the rapidly growing marijuana industry, and involves a lot of legalities and bureaucracy. Marijuana producers can empower themselves, and avoid these headaches, by fermenting their own grow waste.

No matter what solution you’re interested in, Bokashicycle can help you conquer organic waste, grow healthier and stronger plants, while reducing your environmental footprint. Contact us today, or check out our online store, to find the perfect bokashi fermentation solution for you!

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